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How can men prioritize their prostate health? Experts advise that after the age of 50, maintaining a healthy sexual life can be beneficial
  • 2023-11-28
  • admin

According to data from the World Health Organization in 2016, the global average life expectancy stands at 72 years. Women, on average, can expect to live 74 years and 2 months, while men lag behind at 69 years and 8 months.


In the United States, there's a 7-year difference in life expectancy between men and women. Shockingly, in Russia, this gap widens to a whopping 10 years. Meanwhile, Chinese men fall short by almost 5 years compared to their female counterparts. When we talk about "men having a shorter lifespan than women," a significant chunk of this gap is attributed to factors related to diseases. Looking at cancer incidence, the male-to-female ratio for lung cancer is 1.7:1, kidney cancer is around 2:1, and bladder cancer is roughly 4:1. Overall, the ratio of male to female deaths from cancer in the country is approximately 2:1.


Even though it might be said in a jest, the idea that men have a shorter life expectancy than women is indeed connected to differences in physiological levels and behavioral traits.


Male genes are considered somewhat "weaker," owing to the distinction in sex chromosomes – women have XX chromosomes, men have XY chromosomes. Researchers abroad have discovered that the X chromosome carries numerous genes crucial for human survival. In simpler terms, women possess a more robust "anti-death" capability, translating into a naturally longer life expectancy than men.


Differences in hormone levels also play a role. Estrogen, secreted by females, regulates cholesterol levels, maintains cardiovascular elasticity, and boasts antioxidant abilities that can slow down cellular aging and damage. On the flip side, testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, when present in excess, increases the risk of hypertension, heart disease, and prostate inflammation. Scientists propose that testosterone is likely a significant contributor to the decrease in the average life expectancy of males.


Apart from inherent differences, the lifespan of both genders is closely intertwined with personality and behavioral habits.


Objectively speaking, males tend to harbor more unhealthy behavioral habits, such as smoking, drinking, staying up late, and prolonged sitting – all of which are risk factors for heightened cancer risk. On the contrary, females pay more attention to health management. Even if they may also have unhealthy habits, their extensive knowledge of health, focus on abnormal bodily signs, and compliance in chronic disease screening, early diagnosis and treatment, medication, and disease management surpass that of males. This enables them to detect diseases promptly and prevent their escalation.


Therefore, in daily life, besides curbing unhealthy habits, males should also take preventive measures against some prevalent cancers. For instance:


Kidney Cancer: Symptoms include poor appetite, weight loss, emaciation, hematuria, frequent urination, low urine output, difficulty urinating, and painful urination. High-salt, high-sugar, and high-fat dietary habits contribute to kidney cancer.


Bladder Cancer: The primary symptom is hematuria, with around 85% of bladder cancer patients seeking medical attention due to this symptom. Difficulty urinating, frequent urination, urgency, and pain are also indicators of bladder cancer. Smoking stands out as a major risk factor for bladder cancer.


Prostate Cancer: In its early stages, prostate cancer exhibits almost no symptoms and can only be detected through examination. Age is a significant risk factor for prostate cancer, with the incidence rate sharply rising in males after the age of 45. The risk doubles for every additional 10 years thereafter, reaching 70% for males aged 80 to 89.


To lead a longer life, males should pay attention to three aspects after the age of 50:


Diet: Reduce salt, sugar, and fat intake to lower the risk of diseases like diabetes and hypertension. These diseases can increase the burden on the kidneys, leading to an elevated risk of kidney damage.


Medication: Avoid indiscriminate use of drugs, as excessive drug intake may cause acute kidney injury.


Sexual Activity: Studies suggest that males can lower the risk of prostate cancer by moderately increasing the frequency of ejaculation. Monthly ejaculation 8-12 times reduces the risk by 10%, while 13-20 times reduces the risk by 20%.


Additionally, pay attention to the color of urine in daily life. Normal urine should be colorless and transparent. Changes in urine color, such as dark yellow indicating liver disease or soy sauce-colored urine indicating urinary system infection or rhabdomyolysis, and blood in urine often indicate urinary system tumor diseases, symptoms of bladder cancer, and prostate cancer.


For the middle-aged and elderly population, as the risk of certain pathogenic factors continues to rise, regular medical check-ups become essential. In addition to basic screening, emphasis should be placed on checking the respiratory system, digestive system, cardiovascular system, bones and joints, and endocrine system in relation to medical history and diseases common in the elderly. For example, cardiovascular testing, cardiac ultrasound, and heart function measurement are targeted projects for the cardiovascular system. Furthermore, since the prostate is prone to disease with age, males over 50 should undergo rectal examination and prostate-specific antigen testing.


In summary, males should strive to improve their behavior habits that affect life expectancy, pay more attention to their health, and undergo regular check-ups to detect potential health issues early on.


