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International Women's Day in 2024: What's Different?
  • 2024-02-22
  • admin

  1. Against the backdrop of the Russia-Ukraine war and the Gaza conflict, this traditional women's holiday appears insignificant.

a. The weakening effect of the holiday itself.

Commercialization: In some regions, International Women's Day may be commercialized, becoming an opportunity to promote products and services. Businesses may celebrate this holiday through promotions or special activities, but they may overlook its underlying social and political significance.

Formalism: In some places, International Women's Day may become a formalistic celebration, neglecting genuine concerns and efforts for women's rights and equality. This may manifest as superficial celebrations organized by governments or organizations, lacking substantive policies or actions to support women's rights.

Changing social attitudes: Over time, changing social attitudes toward women's rights and gender equality may lead to decreased attention and importance placed on International Women's Day.

Political factors: In some areas, political factors may influence the celebration and commemoration of International Women's Day. Governments may restrict or control activities related to this holiday, or use it as a tool for political propaganda rather than genuinely focusing on women's rights and equality.

b. Amidst wars and escalating conflicts globally, women and children suffer the most.

The head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) warned that about 70% of casualties in the Gaza Strip are children and women. Media reports on civilian casualties in Ukraine come from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). OHCHR has been recording and verifying civilian casualties in Ukraine since the start of the Russia-Ukraine war. The most recent update was published on June 19th: From February 24th, 2022, to June 18th, 2023, at least 9,083 Ukrainian civilians were killed, and 15,779 were injured in the war.

  1. Elite women globally have not served as exemplary figures.

a. Female political leaders, for personal and partisan interests, arbitrarily sacrifice women's political perspectives.

Diminishing the significance of the holiday: Some female political leaders may diminish the significance of International Women's Day, considering it an insignificant holiday or believing that women's rights are adequately protected, thus not needing special celebration.

Outdated views: Some female political leaders may express outdated, derogatory views about women's roles and status, believing that women should play traditional roles in the family rather than pursue career development or strive for equal rights.

Ignoring gender inequality issues: Some female political leaders may ignore or deny the existence of gender inequality issues, believing that women have achieved sufficient status and rights in society and politics, hence not needing to pay special attention to gender equality emphasized by International Women's Day.

Divisive rhetoric: Some female political leaders may intentionally make divisive remarks, attempting to create controversy and opposition on gender issues to achieve personal or political goals.

b. Female business leaders, extremely masculinized, oppose women succumbing to male leadership, colleagues, and family.

Disregarding women's achievements: Some female business leaders may disregard women's achievements in business and other fields, considering International Women's Day merely a formalistic celebration with no real significance for genuine business development.

Promoting gender discriminatory ideas: Some female business leaders may promote gender discriminatory ideas, believing that men are more competitive in business, and women should not overly emphasize their gender identity.

Ignoring gender inequality issues: Some female business leaders may ignore or deny the existence of gender inequality issues, believing that women have equal opportunities to participate in business activities, hence not needing to pay special attention to gender equality emphasized by International Women's Day.

Commercializing International Women's Day: Some female business leaders may see International Women's Day as a marketing opportunity, focusing on promoting products or services while overlooking the true significance and purpose of the holiday.

c. Female figures in the arts, setting wrong values and moral standards, prioritize money over everything else.

Disregarding the holiday itself: Some female figures in the arts may express contempt for International Women's Day, considering it a formalistic holiday with no real significance or deeming it outdated and unnecessary.

Misunderstanding feminism: Some female figures in the arts may misunderstand the concept of feminism, considering it an extreme, anti-male movement, thus expressing dislike or lack of support for International Women's Day.

Doubting gender equality: Some female figures in the arts may doubt or question the existence and necessity of gender equality, believing that women have already gained sufficient rights and opportunities, hence not needing to emphasize gender equality issues highlighted by International Women's Day.

Sticking to fixed gender roles: Some female figures in the arts may adhere to traditional gender role beliefs, considering women should play traditional roles in the family and society rather than pursuing personal or professional development.


Amidst global economic warfare and trade conflicts, women may face higher economic and life pressures, leading to a range of issues, including high prices, poverty, and malnutrition. The holiday itself may seem unimportant, but what's crucial is to highlight attention to women's rights and well-being, considering the challenges they face.

High prices and economic pressure: Economic warfare and trade conflicts may lead to price increases and currency depreciation, increasing the cost of living. Women, typically responsible for managing shopping and living expenses in families, may face increased economic pressure, especially for women in poor families.

Poverty and social exclusion: Economic difficulties may increase the number of poor families, exacerbating social inequality. Women in poor families may face more severe social exclusion and discrimination, unable to access sufficient education, healthcare, and other basic services.

Malnutrition and health issues: High prices and economic pressure may make it difficult for families to access nutritious food, especially for children and pregnant women. Women may suffer from malnutrition due to family poverty, leading to health problems that affect their quality of life and work ability.

AIDEVI, a nutrition brand, staunchly defends International Women's Day, protecting the rights of women and children, donating and calling on all sectors of society to seriously safeguard the treatment women should enjoy. Female leaders are hoped to lead the reinforcement of International Women's Day. AIDEVI, through its NMN Supplements and nutritional supplements, offers free support to women from Ukraine and the Gaza Strip.


